I have decided to start featuring one of my favorite Etsy sellers each month with you. These are truly talented people who I think make great products; products that I feel people would be interested in buying; products that I think are so wonderful that I just cannot keep my knowledge of them to myself.

BIO: My name is Elaine and I am from the Pima tribe. I was brough up fully immersed in my culture. I started beading and making jewelry for myslef as a child. The first item I made as a child (a beaded necklace and bracelet) I sold to someone who was watching me dance and "had to have it". I guess that was the start of my entrepreneur as a jewelry maker!!I also do Native American performances (singing/dancing) from Ca to NY and often sell my crafts at these events. I also host a Native American television show called American Indian Cable network and have had my own Native American radio show. I have also done various television/film roles and can be seen in dancing in the movie Flicka, in acting in programs on the history channel such as Wild West Tech, Conquest of America, Andrew Jackson and Jedadiah Smith and in the IFC comedy series the Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman.I am proud to offer you my handmade one of a kind items made from top quality natural materials like turquoise, leather, bone and porcupine quills!
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